Backstreets in Naples Old Town, Italy 31 Jan 2017

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Sun rays shine down a narrow street in Naples, Italy, lighting the buildings in an orange glow and glimmering on the paving stones it touches. Balconies protrude into the street at all levels, and wooden shutters stay closed causing walkers to wonder about the mystery and history they may conceal.
The narrow streets of the old town tell tales of Greek settlements, the Roman Empire and Byzantine reign. The first settlement of this city was in the 9th Century BC when it was the centre of the ancient Mediterranean region. It was originally called Parthenope but changed in 6th century BC to Neapolis (New City). The street patterns, the wealth of historic buildings with variations in architecture, the parks and the setting itself on the Bay of Naples give an inclination to its historic past.
Get lost among the narrow alleys uncovering the city’s history on Insight guides’ Wonders of Rome and the Amalfi Coast trip.