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Scandinavia – Denmark travel guide

Hamlet was wrong – there is nothing rotten in the State of Denmark. Yes, winters are dreary, but they’re mild with little snow, and summers are sunny, with long hours of daylight. Yes, the tax rate is among the world’s highest. But taxes are reinvested to help make this a country “where few have too much and fewer too little”.

The world’s oldest kingdom packs plenty of international clout. The Vikings are gone, but their descendants are spreading their seed far and wide: Denmark is the biggest supplier of frozen human sperm on the planet. It’s also a major purveyor of computer elements and electronic devices, windmills, agricultural products, arts and crafts and skilled professionals.

Green nation

Denmark is a green nation of cyclists and recyclers. Nine out of 10 Danes own a bicycle, half the country’s rubbish is recycled, and windmills provide 20 percent of the country’s power needs. Nowhere is very far away. The Jutlandpeninsula and main Danish islands are linked by a network of spectacular road and railway bridges, which even extends across the øresund to Sweden. Ferries still play their part, linking islands and crossing the larger lakes, for this is a nation with a strong seafaring past.

Places to visit in Denmark

Copenhagen, Jutland and århus

Zealand, in the east, holds Scandinavia’s liveliest capital city, Copenhagen, and Hamlet’s castle, Kronborg at Helsingør (Elsinore). Jutland, in the west, is Denmark’s link with mainland Europe. North Jutland’s seascapes have captivated artists over the centuries, and its beaches draw summer holiday­makers. East Jutland boasts an intricate lake system, well used for canoeing and water sports, and århus, Denmark’s second city, with its esteemed international arts festival. Funen, sandwiched between Jutland and Zealand, is the “garden of Denmark”. Out in the Baltic is Bornholm, Denmark’s sunniest holiday spot.

Faroe Islands

Far to the west and north lie the outposts of the Danish kingdom: the windswept Faroe Islands (“Sheep Islands”), a favourite haunt for birdwatchers, and Greenland, offering adventurous travellers stunning scenery and a pristine natural environment.

Read more about where to go in Denmark...

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