25 travel Instagram accounts to fuel your wanderlust

When it comes to fueling your travel fantasies, Instagram is perhaps the most visually powerful way to do so. Ready to get your wanderlust on? We've pulled together the 25 best travel Instagrammers to follow in 2016. The first 10 are the overall tops, followed by other noteworthy accounts you won't want to miss.
Matthew Karsten @expertvagabond (42.4k followers)
Adventurous spirits are drawn to Matthew Karsten's posts, and with good reason. From hitchhiking across America to shark diving in Fiji, he lets us all live vicariously through his exciting travels.
Marta @a_girlwhotravels (17.7k followers)
This travel blogger did what most of us only dream of—left her 9-to-5 job to travel the world instead. Her photos are proof that following your heart can pay off big time.
Eduardo Gomez @eddga (36.7k followers)
Raw, vibrant and edgy, street photographer Eduardo Gomez's posts provide a unique glimpse into Mexico City.
Yewon Kim @yyykim (59.2k followers)
Cityscapes never looked better. Yewon Kim knows a thing or two about snagging the best pics of Seoul, New York City and more.
Gary Arndt @everythingeverywhere (128k followers)
Gary Arndt is a renowned photographer with serious travel chops. In fact, he's been to every continent and more than a hundred countries—and capturing incredible photos along the way.
Joe Greer @ioegreer (411k followers)
If it's inspiration you're after, photographer Joe Greer can certainly scratch the itch. In a word: Stunning.
Travels In Translation @travelsintranslation (47.2k followers)
From Chicago to Hong Kong and beyond, travel and lifestyle photographer Beth Williams is capturing it all in photos.
Gareth Pon @garethpon (259k followers)
Few Instagrammers will wow you as quickly as Gareth Pon. His shots are all at once simple yet moving.
Laura Masi @ruberry (41.9k followers)
If Italy is your travel obsession, then Laura Masi is your girl. Based in Florence, Masi's Instagram account will make you feel like you're strolling the Italian streets right there with her.
Susan Portnoy @insatiabletraveler (3,452 followers)
From wildlife snapshots to up-close-and-personal portraits of everyday people from around the globe, Susan Portnoy will ignite your desire to explore.
Ian Andrew Nelson @ianandrewnelson (113k followers)
"Dreamer & journeyer in Portland, OR"
Samuel Taipale @eljackson (195k followers)
Snapping incredible pics that bring the majesty of nature right to your smartphone.
Will Burrard-Lucas @willbl (59.5k followers)
This wildlife photographer will have you pining for an African safari.
Nir @nirl (#136k followers)
Just beautiful. (Seriously. See for yourself.)
Ha'a Keaulana @haakeaulana (126k followers)
"Surfing, photography, and traveling"
For photos that tell a story
Humans of New York @humansofny (4.4m followers)
"New York City, one story at a time"
Dirk Bakker @macenzo (352k followers)
Showcasing Amsterdam's finest graphic design and architecture.
Jessica Sample @jessicasamplegram (2,526 followers)
"Photographer, traveler, food-lover and cat whisperer."
Alan Brutenic @alanisko (71.4k followers)
"My journey is squares, my travels and places I love"
Matthew Vandeputte @matjoez (28.1k followers)
"Belgian motion picture maker—Daily YouTuber"
Other Instagrammers worth mentioning
Left With Louie @leftwithlouie (382 followers) "Travel. Write. Explore."
Amy Vankanan @amyvankanan (176 followers) Moving wildlife pics, as well as stunning shots of people the photographer encounters on her travels.
Philippe Wuyts @philippewuyts (1,697 followers) "Travel, Wedding & Event Photographer"
Hippie in Heels @hippieinheelsblog (30.3k followers) "Travel blogger + Thai Yoga Masseuse + Currently living in Goa, India"
Samantha & Yeison @mytanfeet (6,341 followers) "Gringa-Tico couple - Costa Rica (and the world) - Beach bums - Wildlife lovers"